When we officially launched FlexPay in 2017, we decided from the start that we would establish deep penetration into four different customer verticals within the first two years of business.

“Many SaaS companies become category killers but never break out of that first vertical where they were initially successful. I believe this presents a significant element of risk to their longevity.”

Darryl Hicks, CEO

Since customers (still) love buying things they see on TV, Direct Response TV (DRTV) was on our radar. According to a 2017 study by AdSphere of 120 national cable networks, DRTV (still) represents a $7.8B opportunity.

Since FlexPay started with Performance Marketing, Direct Response TV is the next logical step.

World Pack opened its doors in 1992 to serve the growing retail fulfillment industry, and in the decades since, has become a major player in the DRTV vertical. Certified Level 1 compliant, we were delighted to bring World Pack on board as our newest major gateway, and first of its kind in this new area of business.

World Pack set a record for fastest integration of a payments platform with FlexPay, completing a flawless integration within 8 days and bringing our first customer online only 2 days thereafter.

That first customer on World Pack became one of our best performing customers overall and a great case study for the industry as a whole, validating that our strategy of diversification was a sound one.

Anytime a customer uses their credit card to buy online or over the phone there is an increased risk of declined payments, and FlexPay can help.