According to Collins dictionary, a mafia is “any exclusive or dominating group”.

It captures the idea of a select group of individuals possessing controlling influence in a given field, with a spirit of tight-knit support and insight, akin to deep family ties.

In the five years following PayPal’s sale to eBay (for $1.5B in 2002), PayPal’s founders and key employees got busy birthing remarkable new companies – “investment firms, philanthropies, solar-power companies, an electric-car maker, a firm that aims to colonize Mars, and of course a slew of Internet companies,” reports Fortune magazine.

These former PayPal’ers were so deeply connected with their new ventures that they started referring to themselves as mafioso.

Since we often discuss the PayPal Mafia internally as a goal we’re aiming for with FlexPay’s carefully curated team, a mafia-themed party was a fun way to add resonance to that message!

“Success breeds success, and our expectation is that when FlexPay reaches its goals, it will create the 3 C’s of Connections, Capital, and Credibility for all those who are associated with its achievement, creating an individual and group platform to springboard from.”

Darryl Hicks, CEO

Paypal was just the beginning for its band of misfit founders, and when we envision the future of our current team at FlexPay, we see the same writing on the wall.

We see innovation.
We see remarkability.
We see capital, connection and credibility.

We see a FlexPay mafia.